Oh Krishna! With this look of mine you know how much I love you. Every step of yours leads to me and every movement of your gestures is only for my attention. You know it well how I live with each of my breath just for You. My beloved Kanha, unconditional love like ours is celebrated eternally.”
Presenting one of my favourite stances from a ‘Thumri’ wherein the Nayika is adamantly possessive for her beloved even though she is pretending to neglect him. This was one of our presentations performed at the ‘Nritya Nijara - an evening of dance with Jayanta & Pranaame’ in Majuli in the year 2014. The full-packed auditorium was such an energy booster. That evening was cheerful and with sweet roars. We presented several classical as well as creative contemporary based compositions. The cheers, applause and love remain eternally within us like unconditional love.